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Key Benefits


Candidates First Choice

Thanks to our extensive search engine optimisation, our own dedicated website and our social media strategy, we are foremost in candidates searches for steel jobs.

Steelwork Contacts

Due to our years of steelwork experience, we have a large candidate database and an extensive network of industry contacts.

Low Fees and Bespoke Services

We offer support with all the stages of the recruitment process at highly competitive prices:

Advertising all vacancies on primary-positioned websites and job boards - no cost

Screening all CV's - no cost

Telephone interviews with applicants - no cost

Taking references - no cost

Negotiating the details of any employment offer, discussing contract details, etc. - no cost

Our fees on successful placement are from just 5% of the starting salary

Straightforward payment terms - 30 days from the start date of employment

Free candidate replacement within three months

Attending formal interviews on site - upon request